“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” John F. Kennedy

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

My professional profile

My name is Ramandeep Grewal and I am currently doing my Masters in Teaching (Primary) in Sydney. I have done my Bachelors in physiotherapy back in India that was a four and a half years course. After I did my physiotherapy, I started realizing that it was not my cup of tea and thus decided to change my profession. But doing my higher studies in India would not have given me such a chance of professional development and exposure. So, I decided to join Masters in teaching in Australia and so far it has been a great experience. I am pretty confident that with this degree in my hands I can get a perfect teaching job for me in India and with such an exposure and experience, I can even handle the worst situations with ease. My passions in life are travelling, photography, and reading. I try to make every moment of my life as exciting as it could be and I believe that life is too short and we still have a lot of things to do on our way.

I completed my bachelor’s degree in July 2008 and shifted to Australia after that to complete my Masters Degree. I change my profession to teaching because I believe that it gives us a chance to shape the world by shaping the new generations. Each New Year, teaching presents new challenges and new potential successes. Teachers mold the future each day in class. Being around young children everyday will help me to remain knowledgeable about current trends and ideas. It also helps break down barriers. It gives us a position of authority and satisfaction as once a teacher closes the door each day and begins teaching, they really are the ones who decide what's going to happen. Not many jobs provide an individual with so much room to be creative and autonomous each day. Once a teacher closes that door each day and begins teaching, they really are the ones who decide what's going to happen. Not many jobs provide an individual with so much room to be creative and autonomous each day. If you have children as I have a one year old baby boy, the school calendar will typically allow you to have the same days off as your kids. Further, while you might bring work home with you to grade, you will probably be getting home close to the same time as your children. The last but not the least it provides you with the job security which is most important in every profession.

To know more about me (S00071333 / Ramandeep) or to contact me, you can follow me on twitter: http://www.twibes.com/group/TheCafe_ACU529_2010

Teachers open up young minds,

showing them the wonders of the intellect

and the miracleof being able to think for themselves.

A teacher exercisesthe mental muscles of students,

stretching and strengthening,

so they can make challenging decisions,

find their way in the world,and become independent.

The best teachers care enough

To gently push and prod students to do their best

and fulfill their potential.

BY Joanna Fuchs

Friday, May 7, 2010

The success of a student teaching experience depends largely on what the teacher candidate brings to the classroom, not only in terms of knowledge and instructional skill, but attitude and openness to learning. By behaving professionally and seeking opportunities for growth, student teachers can end their internship period ready to take on the full responsibility of a K-6 classroom.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This blog helps me to share my experiences as a student teacher with other student teachers as well as with experienced ones. I use it to reflect on my teaching and to share other resources useful in teaching. Please leave a comment after you have read my posts whether its positive or negative because your suggestions will help me to improve my blog as well as my teaching. Thank you. Enjoy reading!!!

pictures of my class



Presently, my year 5 is doing unit on fractions. On my Day 5, I took a mini lesson on fractions for about 30 minutes and there were only 11 students in the class as rest of them were away for the cross-country. I feel that it went pretty well as the students understood the concept.

This is our PEGS poster which is used by the students at every moment to edit their narratives or other piece of writing. It was made by the class teacher and I helped her in completing it.
P stands for puctuation, E: effort, G:Grammar, S: spelling.

This corner teaches students how to relax themselves in a tense environment, for example when someone make inappropriate comments to them.

We did a unit on Ironman in my class. I helped them with the art work and writing work. My class teacher has displayed some of the work on the notice board to encourage the students.