“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” John F. Kennedy

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Week 5

On fifth day of my prac (last day of the weekly visits), we had cross-country. Six students went out to the cross-country and rest of them were with me and another casual teacher as my colleague teacher Mrs. Adrienne went to cross country with the school. I found it really hard to work with another relief teacher( Mrs. Paula). She did a few worksheets that would help them in the upcoming NAPLAN TEST. Mrs. Paula had some issue with Pilli and so took her to the office and left me with the rest of the class. And that was what I was looking for as I was not able to communicate with the students in front of her. After she left, I told them stories about how I used to give tests in India and I think that really relaxed them as I could see they were worried about the test since morning. I told them that we students in my country give 28-30 exams per year. This is really hard and annoying for students as compared to Australia. It gave them courage to just appear for one exam in two years time. Mrs. Paula came back and they started to do worksheets again. As I didn’t had anything to do, I decide to rove in the class and help students with their work. This is what Jane taught us in tutorials.  I observed the students who were keeping on task and doing their work and helped those who were not able to get Mrs. Paula’s instructions. While observing my students throughout my five days, I have been using PPL = Prompt, Praise and leave strategy in the class (Fred Jones,1987 and Tutorials; Source: EDFD 529 Effective Teaching and Professional Practice). When I am helping them, I try to reach to the answers with the students using their prior knowledge instead of simply giving them answers. And after they have their answers I try try to encourage them by praising their work. It was also a disappointing day as I was supposed to take a lesson but when I reached the school my teacher told me that it won’t be possible for her to asses the lesson so she asked me to come some other day to deliver the lesson. So, I will not be able to share it with you guys.
 I feel that I have learnt a lot from my 5 day a week visits. I am really looking to my first 4 weeks block which is going to be a challenge because of the different needs of different students. However, I am glad to have Mrs. Adrienne as my colleague teacher as I am sure she will provide me an opportunity to bring my knowledge to her class without interrupting me.


Tanti, M. (2009). Effective Teaching and Professional Practice. North Sydney: Australian Catholic University Ltd.

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